Tag: Soviet Era

Despite growing up with a sense of inferiority about the simplicity of Ashkenazi Ukrainian-Russian cuisine, the author rediscovers the importance of their great grandmother Rosalia's recipes, which were influenced by her Jewish heritage but hidden during the Soviet era.
The article discusses the pilgrimage to Uman, Ukraine, the burial place of Rebbe Nachman, founder of the Breslov Hasidic movement.
The author reminisces about his winter vacation in 1978 at Maleyevka, the Writers Home of Creativity outside Moscow, as his parents were preparing to emigrate from the Soviet Union.
The Russo-Ukrainian War has deep historical roots and is influenced by conflicting narratives about the region's history.
DAU, a long-gestating film project by Ilya Khrzhanovsky, initially a biopic of physicist Lev Landau, morphed into a massive anthropological experiment.
The text discusses the complex historical and contemporary role of Ukrainian Jews in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, highlighting their involvement in the Maidan protests, the presence of controversial nationalist groups with anti-Semitic histories in Ukrainian politics, and instances of anti-Semitic violence in Ukraine.