Tag: Spanish Civil War

The text reflects on the enduring relevance of George Orwell's work, particularly his journalistic integrity and clear, urgent writing style which continues to serve as a compass for those seeking clarity in a complex world.
The Jewish Museum in New York is showcasing an exhibit called "7 October 2023" featuring 12 drawings by Israeli artist Zoya Cherkassy in response to the Hamas attacks on that day.
This article discusses the installation of Stolpersteine (Holocaust remembrance stones) in Spain as a way to bring attention to the memory of the Holocaust and the Spanish Civil War.
The article explores the relationship between politics and art, questioning whether political art is effective or necessary.
Elizabeth Graver's novel, "Kantika," is inspired by her maternal grandmother's migration journey from Istanbul to Barcelona and later to New York.
The legend of Murray's Cheese as a New York institution is a myth.
Robert Capa, the renowned photojournalist, captured iconic moments in history, including Israel's establishment in 1948 by David Ben-Gurion.
The author embarks on a journey to discover why his grandfather, a Jewish teenager named David Dombroff, fought in the Spanish Civil War as part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
Jorge Semprn, a charismatic Spanish writer who had a deep affinity for Jewish thought and Israel, had a multifaceted life that included working secretly for the Spanish Communist Party as Federico Sanchez in Madrid in the 1950s and early 1960s.