Tag: Stav Shaffir

Former Knesset member Stav Shaffir, known for her involvement in social justice movements, is now advocating for individuals with autism in Israel as her sister Shir is on the autism spectrum.
Stav Shaffir, a former Member of Knesset and leader of the Green Movement, discusses the collapse of the Labor Party and strategies for rebuilding the Israeli left with hosts Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz on a podcast.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron delve into the Israeli right-wing parties, exploring who supports parties like Shas, Yemina, Likud, and Avigdor Lieberman's party, examining the reasons behind their support.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron engage in a pre-election discussion trying to understand the voter base of various right-wing parties in Israel, including Shas, Yemina, Likud, and Lieberman.
In a discussion of modern Zionism during the holiday of Sukkot, the tension between the temporary nature of life and the everlasting tradition of the Jewish people is explored.
In a special episode of AJC Passport titled "The Great Debate" held at the AJC Global Forum in Jerusalem, Member of Knesset Stav Shaffir of the Labor party and Mayor Oded Revivi of the West Bank settlement of Efrat debated the topic of "One State or Two States, Is There a Solution?"
The discussion brings up three main topics: the disturbing video of an Israeli soldier grappling with a 12-year-old Palestinian boy with a cast, questioning the implications of such interactions; Israeli politician Stav Shaffir criticizing her party for not challenging the ruling coalition and discussing the role of opposition in Israel; and Minister of Education Naftali Bennett promoting high level math to students for better job prospects, prompting a critique of neo-capitalist ideologies in education.
The Tent City Protests that began in Tel Aviv last summer, stirring up to 450,000 protesters throughout Israel in a show of both size and civility, have left a lasting impact on Israeli society, particularly the youth.