Tag: Wissenschaft Des Judentums

In this discussion on the state of Jewish Studies, the origins of the field are explored, noting that it emerged in the 19th century as scholars began analyzing Jewish texts using academic methods, rather than relying on traditional rabbinic, literary, or folk approaches.
In the early 19th century, German scholars developed Wissenschaft des Judentums, an academic approach to studying Jewish texts.
The book "Medicine in the Talmud: Natural and Supernatural Therapies between Magic and Science" by Jason Sion Mokhtarian aims to update the field of Talmudic medicine, which has historically been dominated by physicians, scientists, laypersons, and rabbis.
This text provides some background information about J.J. Kimche, who is a PhD candidate in modern religious philosophy at Harvard University and specializes in the intersection between Modern European philosophy and Post-Enlightenment Jewish thought.
This text appears to be a brief introduction to Samuel David Luzzatto, also known as Shadal, who was an Italian Jewish scholar, poet, and member of the Wissenschaft des Judentums movement.
The power of scholarly experts has traditionally come from their objective, informed, and incisive analysis.
Joshua Holo responds to Elli Fischer's critique of Michael Chabon's commencement address at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR).
"Redrawing Jewish Europe" discusses various perspectives on the classification and periodization of Jewish history in Europe.