Tag: Yariv Levin

The author argues that the upcoming Days of Awe in Israel, between the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement, may be disastrous for Israeli democracy.
The article discusses the passing of a law in the Israeli Knesset that amends a crucial paragraph in Israel's Basic Laws, removing the reasonableness standard.
Israel is currently engaged in a heated debate about judicial reform, which has been ongoing for decades.
The recent Israeli election served as a referendum on the Netanyahu trial, with the majority of voters acquitting him and showing their frustration with the hollowing out of Israel's democracy by the administrative state.
In this opinion piece, the author argues that Israeli democracy is not under threat, but rather, minority rule is the issue.
In this article, it is noted that just days into his new government, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced a confrontation with one of his coalition partners, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.