Tag: Yirmiyahu

This episode delves into the Yeshiva Curriculum issues, focusing on how society's perception of reality impacts us and what we can glean from this dynamic.
The episode discusses Rabbi Yitzchak Abuav de Fonseca, one of the prominent Rabbis of Amsterdam in the 1630s, who was born in Portugal to a notable Rabbinical family.
In this episode, R' Moshe Weinberger's recent remarks about the Yeshiva curriculum and its effectiveness are discussed.
This episode focuses on Rabbi Shaul Mortera, one of the first Rabbis of Amsterdam, exploring the process of selecting a Rabbi for the community and the importance of his family background.
This episode discusses the first yahrzeit of Rabbi Aharon Chadash, the Mashgiach of Mir, and explores his significant role in the development of the Mir Yeshiva into the world's largest yeshiva.
This episode delves into the details of the founding of the first synagogue in Amsterdam, shedding light on the specific mindset of the Jewish Community there.
This episode discusses the founding of the Jewish Community of Amsterdam, exploring the legends surrounding its establishment.
This episode discusses the hidden century of the Crypto Jews, focusing on those Jews who were forced to convert in Portugal in 1497.
Spinoza, a philosopher, had a background connected to Marrano crypto-Jews, and this text delves into the historical context of Marranos.
This podcast episode reflects on the lessons to be learned from the COVID-19 crisis, drawing parallels with Tanachic rules for understanding significant events.
This episode discusses practical differences between Chassidim and Misnagdim, focusing on how these differences impact the relationship between Torah and Tefila.
This episode delves into the Gaon's criticism of Chassidim regarding Kibud Av and explores key concepts surrounding Tzimtzum.
In this episode, the discussion centers around the concept of Haalas Nitzotzim, raising the sparks, a key issue that the Vilna Gaon debated with the Besht.
In this podcast sponsored by Rabbi Ari Senter and his father, the discussion revolves around the significance of mourning on Tisha B'Av and the difficulty in connecting to this day of national tragedy.
In this episode, the focus is on the significant letter written by the Vilna Gaon in 1796, where he explains his objections to the ideas of the Besht (founder of Hasidism).