Tag: Zionism

Queer Jews, both Zionists and anti-Zionists, have encountered challenges in feeling accepted within their communities post Oct. 7.
The article discusses the current wave of antisemitism, emphasizing that it goes beyond the recent conflict in Gaza and is reshaping the world for Jews.
The text discusses the portrayal of Jews and Zionists in the media, emphasizing the rise in anti-Zionist sentiments and the association of Zionism with global control.
After a long-standing ambivalence towards Israel, a British writer's perspective shifted dramatically following Hamas' deadly actions.
The text discusses a conversation between a Jew and a Jew-hater regarding various issues related to Israel, Palestine, and Jewish identity.
The Wikimedia Foundation, which oversees Wikipedia, declined to intervene in editors' decision to label the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as unreliable on Israel and Zionism.
Benny Morris, a prominent Israeli historian, has shifted to the right politically over the years, and remains a crucial figure in understanding Israel's history and current issues.
Professor Benny Morris, a prominent Israeli historian known for revolutionizing Israeli historiography, especially regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, shares his views on various pressing issues in Israeli history and politics.
The author recounts attending a screening of "Guns & Moses" at the Jewish Film Festival, where the film is marketed as a response to antisemitism, but in reality highlights American capitalism as the true threat.
In discussing the relationship between America, Israel, and the Jewish people, the text highlights a distinction between criticism of Israel and antisemitism, emphasizing that criticism can be valid without being antisemitic.
Washington State Sen. Emily Randall, a leading Democratic candidate in the states 6th Congressional District, fired her campaign manager after reports of pro-Hamas social media activity.
The article discusses the need to reclaim Zionism for the center ground amid controversies in the Jewish community.
The essay discusses the intersection of pro-Palestinian activism with communist and terrorist ideologies on a university campus during a Jewish event.
New York Congressman Ritchie Torres engages in a conversation with Tablet Magazine's Liel Leibovitz and Alana Newhouse, covering topics such as Zionism, the impact of social media on antisemitism, and the importance of patriotism.
Matan Adelson, the youngest son of Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, has taken on the challenge of transforming Hapoel Jerusalem into a prominent force in Israeli basketball and potentially an international brand.
The text delves into the theme of wilful ignorance through the lens of Herman Wouk's character Leslie Slote in "The Winds of War", who tried to alert officials about the Holocaust but faced denial.
The debate over whether Israel should be a Jewish state or a state for Jews is deeply rooted in historical, cultural, and ideological perspectives.
The article discusses how antisemitism is being masked under the guise of anti-Zionism, with Jewish individuals facing threats and harassment.
Anti-Israel activists vandalized the home of Brooklyn Museum's Jewish director and other leaders, splashing red paint and accusations like "blood on your hands" and "white-supremacist Zionist."
Vandals targeted the homes of five Jewish board members of the Brooklyn Museum, including director Anne Pasternak, with anti-Zionist graffiti and symbols, leading New York officials to denounce the act as overt antisemitism.
"Kafka," a limited series now streaming on ChaiFlicks, offers a fresh and deeply Jewish perspective on writer Franz Kafka, exploring his Jewish identity, relationships, and influences.
The article discusses the concept of social contracts and covenants, drawing parallels between historical events like the American War of Independence and the French Revolution with the Jewish covenant at Mt. Sinai.
The essay discusses growing concerns among some Jewish individuals who feel the need to prepare for potential threats, such as antisemitism.
The essay discusses the issue of equating hatred of Jews with Nazism, focusing on the anti-Semitic nature of hating Zionists and Israel.
The text emphasizes how the Palestinian perspective resonates due to their deep-seated grievances against Israel, viewing it as an apartheid state that colonized their land.