Tag: Security

The main concern for Jewish voters in the upcoming elections is security, with a focus on combating rising antisemitism and addressing potential Middle East crises.
The video explores the reasons behind the Israeli left's support for the security barrier around the West Bank amid rising conflicts and terrorism.
Tens of thousands gathered for the annual Israel parade in New York City, led by families of hostages still held captive by Hamas in Gaza, including the delegation from Kibbutz Beeri.
The Israel parade on Fifth Avenue this year will emphasize solidarity and security over celebration, with the theme of "Bring them home" calling for the release of hostages held by Hamas.
In the reflection by the CEO of Index on Censorship, the importance of balancing freedom of expression, the right to protest, freedom of religion, and the fundamental right to live in peace and security as a Jewish person in a post-conflict world is highlighted.
Don Cohen, a retired Jewish community relations professional from West Bloomfield, MI, expresses concern about the need for increased security for the Jewish community and other minority groups in the face of recent terror attacks.
The Israeli security establishment views Iran and its proxies as the biggest threat to Israel, aiming to encircle Israel with proxy militias while seeking to develop nuclear weapons.
A young Israeli who was called up for reserve duty after the Oct. 7 terror attack in Israel reflects on the impact of his military service near the Lebanon border.
The text discusses the challenges of unanswered prayers, particularly in the context of current events affecting Israel and the Jewish people.
The article explores the misconception that right-wing politicians are inherently better at providing security.
A Molotov cocktail was thrown at the Montreal Jewish Community Center following a meeting to discuss increased security at Jewish institutions.
In the discussion between Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi, they delve into the concept of resilience in the face of loss, particularly focusing on how soldiers cope with trauma from combat in Gaza and the emotional impact of attending funerals for fallen soldiers in Israel.
The author discusses the rise of antisemitism and the targeting of Israel in contemporary times.
An emergency video briefing convened by Israel Policy Forum with experts Neri Zilber, Shira Efron, Nimrod Novik, and Michael Koplow discussed the unfolding situation in Israel, condemning the recent attacks by Hamas terrorists and expressing support for Israel in defending itself.
Shana tova!
The man responsible for the deadliest crime against Jews in American history, the Tree of Life shooter, has been found eligible to receive the death penalty.
The religious Zionist community, comprising 10% of Israel's population, is becoming increasingly influential and is transitioning from a focus on security and settlement issues to being central in the government's judicial reform efforts.
Jonathan Schanzer, a Middle East expert, discusses the primary threat Iran poses to Israel in a four-pronged approach.
The article discusses a tour called the "Ultimate Mossad Mission" that takes participants to various locations in Israel to learn about security matters and explore the country's history.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won a decisive electoral victory, solidifying his position as the country's leader.
The third episode of IPF Atid's mini-series on climate security focuses on the impacts of climate change on violent conflicts in the Middle East.
On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the Capitol in Washington, D.C. was stormed by a group of pro-Trump protesters, resulting in a lockdown of the complex.
Eli Kowaz discusses the borders outlined in the Trump administration's Peace to Prosperity plan with analyst Dan Rothem, based in Tel Aviv.
Sarit Zehavi, founder and CEO of Alma Research and Education Center in Israel, closely monitors security issues on Israel's northern border, particularly concerning Hezbollah activities.
In this discussion, Israel and the US have agreed on a $38 billion, ten-year military aid deal, prompting a debate on whether more money equates to increased security for Israel.