Tag: Holocaust Survivors

The text discusses the importance of preserving Holocaust survivors' testimonies for future generations, highlighting the new Testimony 360 tool developed by the Holocaust Educational Trust.
Josh Fox, a director whose family survived the Holocaust, shares his journey recovering from long COVID-19 through his new project "The Edge of Nature," a film and theatrical experience.
David Shrayer-Petrov, a refusenik from the Soviet Union who found literary freedom in America, passed away at 88 after facing antisemitic persecution.
Geddy Lee's memoir "My Effin Life" delves into the life of the renowned rock musician and child of Auschwitz survivors.
In the midst of challenging times faced by Jewish parents and grandparents, feelings of fear and anxiety are prevalent due to concerns about safety, antisemitism, and the ongoing conflict.
Larry Nussbaum, a dedicated pediatrician turned radiologist known for his cutting-edge work at Liberty Hospital in Kansas City, passed away at 77.
Descendants of Holocaust survivors, part of a community called Generations Forward, are proactively engaging with their family trauma and sharing their stories to ensure the preservation of Holocaust education as survivors age.
Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico's first female and Jewish president, has been inaccurately portraying her family's Holocaust survival story, claiming her mother was born in Mexico when records show she was born in Bulgaria and survived the Holocaust.
"Treasure" and "A Real Pain" are two films that explore the theme of Holocaust tourism and its impact on Jewish identity.
In Northern Virginia's 10th District, a Democratic congressional primary between Jewish candidates Eileen Filler-Corn and Dan Helmer underscores the growing Jewish population in the area.
Roxanne de Bastion, a singer-songwriter, was inspired by her Hungarian-Jewish grandfather Stephen's survival story during the Holocaust, which led her to write a book and release an album of his compositions.
After facing backlash, the Vancouver comics festival apologized to Miriam Libicki, a Jewish artist it had previously banned due to her past Israeli military service, which had sparked pro-Palestinian activism and accusations of creating a volatile atmosphere.
The author reflects on their experiences of feeling like an outsider from childhood through adulthood, particularly in Hollywood due to their outspoken support for Israel.
Montana Tucker discusses the challenges of being a proud Jew in the face of ignorance and conformism among Gen Z in a Youtube video.
The author reflects on the passing of their grandparent, Grandma Frances, who belonged to a remarkable generation that faced hardships during the Second World War, contrary to the focus usually placed on Holocaust survivors.
Jaclyn Grossman, a soprano opera singer, performs both Wagner, despite his antisemitism, and Yiddish opera written by Holocaust survivors and victims.
"Replay: Past and Present" discusses Jordan Mechner's works, focusing on his 1997 game The Last Express featuring a Jewish character, Anna, and his graphic memoir Replay.
Artist Tobi Kahn's exhibition "Memory & Inheritance" at the Museum at Eldridge Street in New York City blends paintings, Judaica, and history, reflecting a synthesis of nature and the divine through abstract art and ceremonial objects.
The article reflects on how Joan Didion's writings and approach to processing crises, particularly through the structure of narratives, have provided a framework for understanding complex events such as the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Aviva Kempner's latest documentary, "A Pocketful of Miracles: A Tale of Two Siblings," delves into the stories of her mother, Helen, and uncle, David, who survived the Holocaust and found success in America.
In this episode of Unorthodox, Jewish actress Noa Tishby and sports commentator Emmanuel Acho discuss their collaboration on a book called Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew, exploring their shared insights.
The journalist Michael Gawenda reflects on his evolving relationship with Zionism and Jewish identity in his autobiography "My Life as a Jew."
The article discusses the impact of state Holocaust education mandates on public schools in the U.S. and how the effectiveness of these mandates varies depending on the schools that implement them.
During the March of the Living on Yom HaShoah, Holocaust survivors and relatives of Oct. 7 Hamas attack victims highlighted the importance of remembrance.
Marsha Lederman, a writer and columnist who is the daughter of Holocaust survivors, explores the concept of intergenerational trauma in her book "Kiss the Red Stairs."