Tag: 2020

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, who passed away in 2020 at the age of 83, is seen as a significant figure in the changing landscape of Israel.
The Republican Party is experiencing internal conflicts, ranging from calls for drastic measures like martial law by Rep. Ralph Norman to infighting among prominent figures such as Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell.
The text discusses the issue of whether Jeffrey Toobin should be shown compassion and forgiveness in contrast to the unforgiving nature of woke culture towards those who err.
The podcast discusses the Biden administration's decision to restart talks with Iran on the nuclear deal, highlighting the potential implications.
Historian Niall Ferguson, in a discussion with Dan, reflects on the historic nature of 2020 and the lessons that can be drawn from past public health crises to navigate the current pandemic.
This article features a recipe for Orange and Almond Flan, which can be a tasty option for the break fast meal on Yom Kippur.
The article discusses ongoing scandalous allegations against Joe Biden, questioning whether these issues will still be relevant by November.
In a podcast episode titled "Israel in 2020: Five Things to Watch," hosts Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz highlight five key issues that will have a significant impact on Israeli politics, U.S.-Israel relations, and the potential for a two-state solution in the coming year.