Tag: Administration

The article asserts that President Biden is showing signs of decline.
The text discusses the impact of Michigan's "Uncommitted" campaign against Joe Biden and his approach to the Gaza conflict.
In a recent podcast episode, the focus is on President Joe Biden's shifting stance on the border wall, specifically his promise in 2020 not to extend Trump's barrier, contrasting with the current plan to add more wall sections.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is set to undergo a major overhaul, prompting discussions on whether this is a genuine effort to improve or simply a move by senior officials to evade accountability.
The article discusses President Joe Biden's administration's response to the recent deadly suicide attacks in Kabul, where at least 13 Americans and over 100 Afghan civilians lost their lives.
The article discusses Joe Biden's administration's decision to disregard the intellectual property rights of vaccine manufacturers, seen as a move to appease certain progressive factions.
The text discusses the potential ousting of Liz Cheney from her GOP leadership role and questions if it truly benefits the Republican Party before the 2022 midterms.
Attorney General William Barr recently faced questioning on Capitol Hill that appeared largely focused on partisan interests rather than genuine inquiry.