Tag: Anti War Protests

Israeli scholars and historians, Shira Klein and Lior B. Sternfeld, warn of Israel's rapid descent into fascism as legislation is proposed requiring universities to dismiss academics expressing dissent.
Jules Rabin, a 100-year-old Jewish activist from Vermont, protested the war in Gaza on his 100th birthday, drawing parallels between the Palestinians' situation in Gaza and the Holocaust, a view not mainstream in Jewish thought.
UCLA experienced a troubling incident where violent counter-demonstrators attacked an anti-war encampment on campus, posing a serious safety risk to the demonstrators.
Amid anti-war protests at Columbia University, Jewish students received conflicting advice on whether to stay on campus during Passover.
In 1968, Ramparts magazine, led by Warren Hinckle III, engaged in groundbreaking investigative journalism and advocacy against government malfeasance and the Vietnam War.