Tag: Arab Spring

Vincent Bevins discusses the global mass protests of the 2010s and their lessons for current movements, like the recent pro-Palestine protests.
The text discusses the concept of "root-cause analysis" or root-causism in understanding complex events, particularly within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as broader historical and political phenomena.
The Middle East and Arab-Israeli relations are undergoing a significant shift, as a new strategic alignment is emerging that promises a better chance for regional states to isolate and stand up to radical forces.
"Roundabout of Death" is a novel by Faysal Khartash that provides a realistic and minimalist account of the war in Syria, particularly in Aleppo.
Shibley Telhami, a prominent scholar in Middle Eastern survey research, explores the intricacies of understanding the Arab world through survey data in his book "The World Through Arab Eyes."
In his book "The World Through Arab Eyes," Shibley Telhami, a leading expert in survey research in the Middle East, delves into the intricacies of examining the Arab world through survey data.
The text discusses differing perspectives on political and religious developments in the Jewish world, focusing on critiques of figures like Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and discussions about Arab-Israeli relations and Jewish cooking.
Edward Luttwak, a prominent academic and strategic consultant, is known for his work in military strategy, Roman and Byzantine history, and economics.
President Barack Obama's evolving approach to the Middle East was marked by a shift towards promoting universal values in his Arab Spring speech, departing from his previous multicultural engagement stance.
The text highlights a tense yet enlightening encounter between Israeli and Arab journalists during a workshop in Madrid, showcasing different perspectives on thorny issues like the Holocaust, terrorism, and the Arab-Israeli peace process.