Tag: Atomic Bomb

The success of the film Oppenheimer has sparked interest in the history of the making of the atomic bomb and American radicalism, but there are important aspects being overlooked.
This article discusses the contrasting attitudes towards Judaism of two Jewish physicists, J. Robert Oppenheimer and Isidor Rabi.
In this discussion of Christopher Nolan's film "Oppenheimer," the focus is primarily on J. Robert Oppenheimer's Jewishness and its influence on his political and intellectual milieu.
This article discusses the relationship between J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, and Israel's nuclear quest in the 1950s.
The article discusses the movie "Oppenheimer," directed by Christopher Nolan, which focuses on the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb.
In this episode of "The Well Try to Stay Serene & Calm Edition," hosts Allison Kaplan Sommer, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron discuss the topics of Iran potentially obtaining an atomic bomb and the perception of sex among older individuals.
In the podcast "The Well Try to Stay Serene & Calm Edition," hosts Allison Kaplan Sommer, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron discuss the concerning timeline suggesting Iran could possess a nuclear bomb by Hanukkah, questioning Israel's potential responses.