Tag: Boris Johnson

British Labour Party candidate Faiza Shaheen was barred from running for parliament due to liking social media posts, including one linking to an old Jon Stewart joke about Israel.
In this article, the author discusses the political career and traits of Boris Johnson, the former British Prime Minister.
In a recent podcast episode, the hosts discuss President Biden's upcoming visit to Israel, where he will meet the new caretaker Prime Minister.
Renowned historian and political analyst Andrew Roberts discusses Boris Johnson's resignation as the Prime Minister of Great Britain, highlighting the reasons behind it, potential next steps for Johnson, and the speculation surrounding his successor.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss the unusual snowfall in Jerusalem, the political scandal involving Boris Johnson in London, and Israel's diplomatic balancing act between the US and Russia amid tensions in Ukraine.
Donald Trump's recent remarks revealing a strained relationship with former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are discussed in a podcast featuring special guest Dara Horn, author of "People Love Dead Jews."
Following his encounters with Holocaust survivors and witnessing the Labour Party facing accusations of anti-Semitism under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, Ian Austin, a former Labour Party member and MP, decided to leave the party due to its tolerance of anti-Semitism.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson attempted to blow a shofar during a visit to northern England but failed to produce a sound.
The text discusses the commemoration of the Balfour Declaration's centenary, outlining British Prime Minister Theresa May's affirmation of support for Israel, including economic ties and security commitments, while also acknowledging unfinished business regarding peace and a two-state solution.