Tag: Campus Anti Semitism

The text discusses the growing tensions for Jewish students on college campuses, particularly in the context of pro-Palestinian protests and the response from Jewish studies professors who often lean left.
The article discusses New York Mayor Eric Adams' decision to send NYPD riot police to Columbia University and CUNY campuses to address protests.
The USC Shoah Foundation, associated with Steven Spielberg, faced controversy as its valedictorian, a pro-Palestinian student with ties to the foundation, had her commencement speech canceled due to criticism of Israel and Zionism.
Joe Lieberman, the first Jewish candidate on a major party's presidential ticket, was remembered at his funeral as a politician admired for his integrity and bipartisanship.
During a recent House committee hearing on campus anti-Semitism, university presidents from institutions like Harvard, UPenn, and MIT were called out for their dishonesty and evasion of crucial issues.
Cary Nelson's book "Israel Denial" highlights the spreading of disinformation by anti-Zionist professors on American college campuses, such as Jasbir Puar, Steven Salaita, and Saree Makdisi, who make baseless claims about Israel.