Tag: Centrism

Neri Zilber hosts Yair Zivan, chief foreign policy advisor to Yair Lapid, to discuss the significance of centrism as a political movement, its global relevance, their experience in the Bennett-Lapid government, Israeli politics amid the Gaza conflict, and when elections might occur in Israel.
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin suggests that Modern Orthodoxy (MO) in America may need to embrace Kabbalah and Chassidus to survive; contrasting MO's less stringent observance with the Charedi community's dedication to Halacha and Jewish studies, the author argues that the future of Judaism lies with the right-wing Centrists or Charedim due to their commitment and growing numbers.
An Orthodox Jewish reader raised concerns about witnessing racism among Orthodox families while also grappling with the Torah world's alignment with views he finds repugnant, particularly towards Israeli society and non-religious Jews, hindering unity.
Mitch Landrieu, former Mayor of New Orleans, is credited with revitalizing post-Katrina New Orleans and removing Confederate statues during his tenure.
In this episode of TLV1's The Tel Aviv Review, host Gilad Halpern, Allison, and Noah discuss three key topics: Yair Lapid's centrist views in Israeli politics, initiatives aiming to destigmatize mental illness, and the Forbes list of fifty influential Israeli women, highlighting gender, sex, and sexism in 2017.