Tag: Chabad Movement

Amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Jewish federations have nearly exhausted funds raised for humanitarian relief after distributing $96 million over two years.
A group of Lubavitch Meshichists secretly built tunnels underneath the Chabad headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn.
In this personal reflection, the author, who left the Orthodox Hasidic community three years ago, expresses their longing and nostalgia for the sense of community and belonging they experienced during Sukkot in Crown Heights, the heart of the Chabad movement.
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, the Hebrew month of Elul serves as a time of spiritual preparation for the Days of Judgment.
A yeshiva in Brooklyn, Tents of Torah, has been found to be not providing the required secular curriculum by the New York City Department of Education.
Enrollment in Hebrew schools across the United States has declined by nearly half since 2006, according to a report by the Jewish Education Project.
The article discusses the advantages that Jewish Ukrainians have over their non-Jewish neighbors when it comes to seeking refuge amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.