Tag: Cheese

Liri Albags, from Moshav Yarhiv, shares her favorite recipe for cheese boyikos, featured in the book "Shavuot of Longing: Their Recipes On Our Table" by Orly Peli-Bronshtein.
This recipe provides a versatile and quick-to-make option for a Pesach meal, a cheesy vegetable frittata that can help make use of various leftover vegetables found in the fridge, such as broccoli, cauliflower, or roast potatoes.
Bourekas are a popular Israeli food, similar to savory pastries, that are made with thin, hand-stretched dough and stuffed with various fillings such as ground meat, cheese, spinach, or eggplant.
Shavuot, a Jewish holiday celebrating the giving of the Torah, is traditionally marked by dairy meals.
Jews from Macedonia have a traditional dish called leek kofta, with variations made from lamb, beef, or potatoes and cheese.