Tag: Coalition Government

The International Court of Justice in The Hague is set to hold hearings brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide following heavy losses in Gaza by the IDF.
The recent protests in Israel have led to a pause in the government's judicial reform, raising questions about whether the current government can be trusted to implement necessary reforms.
President Herzog recently urged the Netanyahu-led government to abandon its judicial overhaul plan and engage in talks with the opposition to avert a constitutional crisis.
President Herzog has called on the Netanyahu-led government to abandon its judicial overhaul plan and resume discussions with the opposition, but the government has ignored this plea and is pushing forward with its legislative agenda.
The Law of Return allows any Jew to claim immediate Israeli citizenship, but the definition of who qualifies as a Jew has been historically debated in Israel.
Benjamin Netanyahu secured a significant victory in Israel's recent election, but forming a right-wing government faces challenges due to demands from various factions and controversial statements by the Religious Zionist party.
In this discussion, there is a focus on the diversity of Israel's coalition government and the contrasting opinions that surround it.
In this discussion, political expert Dahlia Scheindlin joins host Allison Kaplan Sommer to talk about Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's chances of survival and why United Arab List leader Mansour Abbas decided not to leave the coalition.
The fight for religious equality at the Western Wall in Jerusalem has hit a roadblock due to tensions within Israel's coalition government.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron engage in a lively discussion on various significant topics including insights into Israel's new government coalition's plans and tensions, Benjamin Netanyahu's legacy, and Israeli societal discomfort with nudity.
Israel has a new government without Benjamin Netanyahu for the first time in 12 years.