Tag: Cultural Zionism

The author discusses the complex relationship between American Jews and Israel, particularly for non-Orthodox Jews.
In Micah Goodman's book, "The Wondering Jew," he argues for a middle path between strict adherence to tradition and complete abandonment of Jewish values.
Paul Mendes-Flohr's biography of Martin Buber, the first in English in over 30 years, delves into the philosopher's life and thought, contextualizing his writings within early 20th-century European and German Jewish intellectual spheres.
The Rabbis Feminist Zionism discusses the intersection of feminism, Zionism, and postmodernism, highlighting Einat Ramon's perspective as a feminist Zionist and a scholar.
In an exploration of Zionist ideas during Sukkot, the tension between tradition and change is discussed through an excerpt from Berl Katzenelson's Revolution and Tradition, an influential figure in Socialist Zionism.
Dr. Brian Klug from the University of Oxford explores the ideas of Ahad Ha'am, an early 20th-century Zionist thinker, in his book "Words of Fire: Ahad Ha'am and the Jewish Future."
In two new works of Jewish political theory by David Novak and Chaim Gans, the foundation of Zionism is under scrutiny, with Novak arguing for a theological basis while Gans critiques the ethnocentric shortsightedness of the Zionist mainstream.