Tag: Egalitarian Prayer

Modern Orthodox and traditional teen girls are increasingly finding ways to participate in prayer services while adhering to Jewish law, seeking more inclusive roles within their communities.
Despite a recent court ruling in their favor, women at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, exemplified by the group Women of the Wall, still face challenges in attaining equal prayer rights.
The fight for religious equality at the Western Wall in Jerusalem has hit a roadblock due to tensions within Israel's coalition government.
The last thirty years have seen ongoing tensions at the Western Wall between Women of the Wall, advocating for women's prayer rights, and haredi Jews resisting changes to traditional practices.
Jerusalem's deputy mayor, Dov Kalmanovich, attributed the recent falling of a 220-pound boulder from the Western Wall near an egalitarian prayer site to what he calls "quarrel-mongers" like Reform leaders and Women of the Wall, suggesting the incident is a divine warning against them.
In this edition, Noah, Don, and Miriam Herschlag from Times of Israel discuss various significant topics, including Israel reducing electricity to Gaza, the attention given to victims of terrorist attacks versus other issues, and the ongoing controversy surrounding egalitarian prayer at the Western Wall.