Tag: Ehud Barak

Israeli prosecutors are urged to offer Benjamin Netanyahu a plea deal to resolve the corruption charges against him and prevent his far-right coalition partners from pushing reckless policies that endanger Israel's strategic interests.
As the 30th anniversary of the Oslo Accords approaches, a recently declassified transcript of a cabinet meeting reveals the doubts of the accords' architects regarding the trustworthiness of Yasser Arafat and other Palestinian Arab leaders.
Kishorit is a unique community that can be seen as a "neurodiverse kibbutz," where both neurodiverse and neurotypical members live and work together.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak joined a discussion on the new wave of terror attacks in Israel, sharing insights on breaking the cycle of violence and expressing optimism for peace despite challenging signs.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss significant topics including the potential leadership of a secular feminist in Israel's religious right, challenges facing the resort city Eilat, and deeply embedded racism in Israeli society, particularly highlighted by recent events involving Ethiopian youth.
The text revolves around a journalist's meeting with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak for an interview discussing his autobiography.
In a discussion with Noah, Don, and Miriam Herschlag, the Ops & Blogs Editor at Times of Israel, several topics are covered, including Ehud Barak's perspective on political ideologies, the dangers of conversion therapy offered by ultra-Orthodox therapists in Israel, and the popularity of the Eurovision song contest in the country.
In this discussion, Israel and the US have agreed on a $38 billion, ten-year military aid deal, prompting a debate on whether more money equates to increased security for Israel.
The article discusses Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon after a 22-year presence in 2000, highlighting the chaotic and abrupt nature of the retreat.