Tag: Escape

During the tumultuous period of World War II, many Hasidic rebbes and their followers faced difficult choices between staying in their communities or fleeing to safety.
Rudolf Vrba, a Slovakian Jewish teenager who changed his name from Walter Rosenberg, escaped from Auschwitz in 1944, becoming one of the few to do so.
The author reflects on her husband Fred's obsession with WWII, stemming from his parents' experiences as Holocaust survivors.
Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show, humorously suggested that First Lady Melania Trump should have used the solar eclipse as an opportunity to escape from President Trump, who ignored safety warnings by staring at the sun during the event.
The text recounts the story of Sonya Oshman's escape from a work camp in Poland in 1943 through a tunnel dug by Jews to evade the Germans, who had invaded Novogrudek.