Tag: Exodus

The paragraph Ha lahma anya, recited at the start of the Seder during the Maggid section, has puzzled scholars due to its unique Aramaic composition and its interruption of the Seder flow.
The text explores the intertwined histories of Jewish and African-American communities in Baltimore, focusing on the evolution of neighborhoods, synagogue buildings, and racial segregation.
The "Still Leaving Egypt, After All These Years Edition" of the podcast discusses three main topics: the enduring support for Netanyahu despite corruption allegations, the debate over transitioning from a public higher education system to a mixed public-private one, and the lessons modern-day Israel can draw from the story of the Exodus and the subsequent 40 years.
The text explores the significance of viewing oneself as personally having left Egypt in the context of the Passover Haggadah's directive.
The text explores the concept of waiting, distinguishing between futile waiting and productive waiting, which it terms gestational waiting.
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove questioned the relevance of Jewish studies professors to the broader Jewish community, highlighting the disconnect between academic work and everyday Jewish life.
The text explores the perplexing crisis of faith experienced by the Israelites in the Wilderness of Sin shortly after being saved from the Egyptians.
The Torah, aside from being foundational in Judaism, contains the only contemporary account of the origin of the seven-day week, including the weekend.
The text explores the rationale behind Shabbat observance in Judaism, highlighting two main perspectives: one based on God's resting after creating the world, emphasized in Exodus, and another focused on commemorating the Exodus from Egypt and promoting social equality, as articulated in Deuteronomy.
The article discusses American Jews' tendency to adapt or create new traditions around Jewish holidays like Passover to fit modern lifestyles, highlighting examples such as kosher-style eating, shortened shiva periods, and moving religious services to Sundays.
The article explores the themes of destiny, tradition, and inner voice in the Disney film "Moana" and draws parallels to Jewish history and identity.
The discussion revolves around the importance of tone in conveying meaning and authority in religious texts, particularly focusing on the introduction of God's first public words at Mount Sinai in the Torah.
The text discusses the anonymity and lack of names in the Book of Exodus (Shemot), particularly focusing on the character of Moses.
The text "Rupture and Revelation" by Ayelet Wenger navigates themes of Jewish identity, faith, and scholarship through personal anecdotes and philosophical musings.
Harriet Tubman, known as "Moses" for her courageous efforts in leading slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad, had a significant impact on African American history.
The article discusses the presence of a "fifth question" at Passover Seder - "When do we eat?" and presents a historical and halakhic comparison regarding the timing of the meal and traditions around it.
The text delves into the changing landscape for American Jews from the early 20th century to the present day.
The text reflects a young woman's experience during Passover, where expectations of the Messiah's arrival were heightened due to world events and family discussions.
The Mountain Jews, mainly residing in Azerbaijan and Dagestan, trace their history back to Israel, settling in the Caucasus mountains about 2,500 years ago.