Tag: Fritz Kuhn

The PBS documentary "Nazi Town, USA" explores the largely unknown story of the German American Bund in the 1930s, which had numerous chapters across the U.S. and promoted fascist ideologies.
The PBS documentary "Nazi Town, USA" explores the period in the 1930s when American citizens, affected by the Great Depression and influenced by racist policies and eugenic ideas, aligned themselves with groups like the German American Bund.
The new PBS documentary Nazi Town, USA explores the rise and fall of the German American Bund, a pro-Nazi organization that attracted about 100,000 members in the United States during the 1930s.
"The Plot Against America" by Philip Roth explores a counterhistory where Charles Lindbergh becomes president in 1940, paralleled with real events reported by The Forward, showcasing Lindbergh's transformation from hero to anti-Semitic figure.
"A Night at the Garden" is a concise documentary capturing the chilling 1939 Nazi-themed rally by the German American Bund at Madison Square Garden, filled with propaganda, Nazi symbols, and anti-Semitic rhetoric.