Tag: Gevurah

In response to Ben Greenfield's essay that argues the Zohar Hadash interpreted the attributes of hesed, gevurah, and emet as qualities the forefathers wrestled with, the writer presents three thirteenth-century sources that support the traditional understanding of these attributes.
In kabbalistic and Hasidic thought, each of the forefathers is associated with a defining characteristic - Avraham with kindness (hesed), Yitzhak with strength (gevurah), and Yaakov with truth (emet).
In this podcast episode, Kylie Unell explores the theme of Gevurah, which relates to discipline and restraint, during the second week of counting the Omer.
The author examines the concept of masculinity and heroism in the context of Hanukkah, specifically focusing on the biblical term "gevurah" and its association with physical prowess and heroism.
The article explores how Hasidic masters interpret Torah narratives as a process of refining human-divine character traits, known as tikkun ha-middot.