Tag: Islamic Republic

Iran's animosity towards Israel has evolved over time, with historical ties once existing between the two countries post-Israel's establishment.
The recent Iranian attack on Israel has brought to light the broader strategic aim of Iran's leadership rooted in Mahdism ideology, aiming to establish a global caliphate by eliminating obstacles like Israel.
The text discusses the ongoing conflicts and tensions in the Middle East, particularly regarding the United States' policies towards Iran and Israel, as well as the dynamics with various terrorist groups and regional powers.
The author expresses disappointment in the silence of the American Jewish community regarding the ongoing protests and human rights violations in Iran.
The United States currently has overwhelming military power compared to Iran, but the Biden administration's ambiguous approach to defending its allies in the Middle East has created mistrust among its Gulf allies and emboldened China, Russia, and Iran.
"The Heartbeat of Iran" by Tara Kangarlou provides a collection of diverse Iranian voices that humanize the individual citizens of Iran and challenge stereotypes.
This article criticizes President Joe Biden's approach to Iran, arguing that his policies amount to a betrayal of the Iranian people.
The struggle between Israel and Hezbollah is rooted in Iran's desire to establish itself among the Shiite populations of the region and challenge nation-states.
The New York Times correspondent in Tehran, Thomas Erdbrink, has been conspicuously absent from reporting since early 2019, with the Iranian regime reportedly barring him from working.