Tag: Israeli Civil Society

Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi delve into the moral and political considerations required post-war in Israel, focusing on the national discourse within Israeli society, the future of Gaza, and their shared vision for a redefined Middle East landscape.
The article discusses the challenges that leaders face in times of uncertainty and the need for decisive action.
In a discussion on the leadership void in Israel during times of conflict, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi analyze Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's refusal to take responsibility for failing to anticipate a Hamas attack.
The Mizrahi Black Panther party, founded in 1971 by Moroccan Jewish youth leaders, fought for racial justice and human rights in Israel and Palestine.
The article discusses how the Israeli right, led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, has employed a strategy known as the "salami method" to silence dissent and entrench the occupation of the Palestinian territories.
Daniel Goldman, chairman of Gesher, analyzes the varying connections with Israel among American and British Jews.