New Voices Judaism as a Niche 12 Jul
The author reflects on their experience as a Jewish media writer, discussing the challenges and nuances of covering Jewish-related topics in outlets like Tim...
12 Jul
New Voices Conversations and Conversion: On Judeo-Arab Roots 5 Jul
The text delves into the complexities of Jewish identity, particularly for converts and those with roots in Arab lands. It discusses the tension between Jewi...
5 Jul
New Voices Onward 2 Jul
The text explores the author's journey in delving into various diasporic Jewish languages, such as Ladino and Juhuri. The importance of embracing multiple Je...
2 Jul
New Voices Geographies of Transgression 28 Jun
The text delves into the experiences of a person navigating Orthodox Judaism as a queer individual, shedding light on themes of visibility, surveillance, tra...
28 Jun
New Voices Gufim: Words on Blood, Butches, and Body 21 Jun
This text is part of the Gufim series exploring embodiment and our relationship to our bodies from a Jewish perspective, focusing on various topics like disa...
21 Jun
New Voices Adventures With Blay Vaks: Dorm-Room Rituals Against the Evil Eye 17 Jun
The text discusses the author's belief in the Evil Eye, which they see as affecting people through speech and glances, and their use of a ritual called Blay ...
17 Jun
New Voices The Mend 10 Jun
The text explores the theme of broken dolls as a metaphor for personal and societal struggles, focusing on the history of doll hospitals founded by Jewish im...
10 Jun
New Voices Bloom 3 Jun
In this piece, a young person recounts their experience at an Orthodox Jewish seminary during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. The narrator forms a connecti...
3 Jun
New Voices 10 Articles on Campus Protests, by & for Students 22 May
Campus protests concerning Israel/Palestine have unfolded at universities nationwide, involving Gaza Solidarity Encampments, student arrests, clashes with ad...
22 May
New Voices Snapshots from Campus 15 May
The article discusses the diversity of Jewish student experiences on college campuses during times of protests, highlighting that Jewish students, like the b...
15 May
New Voices Snapshots of Campus: Submit Yours 13 May
Jewish students on campus are invited to share snapshots of their Jewish campus life this spring by submitting a photograph and a caption of under 100 words ...
13 May
New Voices A Seder for Two: Me and Elijah 21 Apr
Ashton Macklin, a Jewish Media Fellow, has crafted a thought-provoking Passover resource titled "A Seder for Two: Me and Elijah." Highlighting the evolving n...
21 Apr
New Voices “Science is not enough:” How Jewish Tradition Keeps Climate Activists Afloat 21 Apr
Jewish environmental organizations are leveraging Jewish traditional thought, such as the concept of Bal Tashhit (do not destroy), to drive climate activism ...
21 Apr
New Voices A Decade of New Voices Passovers 19 Apr
As Passover approaches, New Voices offers a retrospective on a decade of articles, including discussions on diverse seder plate additions, self-customized ha...
19 Apr
New Voices Defying Orthodoxies on Israel/Palestine: A YU Student’s Journey 17 Apr
An Orthodox Jewish student from Yeshiva University recounts their journey of grappling with their views on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Initially a passion...
17 Apr
New Voices “Her memories will become monuments”: On Poland, Irena Klepfisz, and the Search for Home 11 Apr
The text delves into a reflective journey to Poland, exploring Jewish heritage and identity through the lens of poet Irena Klepfisz. The narrator's connectio...
11 Apr
New Voices “Her memories will become monuments”: On Poland, Irena Klepfisz, and the Search for Home 11 Apr
The text discusses a personal journey to Poland, guided by reflections on the poet Irena Klepfisz and the complexity of Jewish history and identity. Through ...
11 Apr
New Voices The New Jewish Daddy 9 Apr
The text discusses the evolution of Jewish masculinity from historical representations to contemporary expressions, focusing on figures like Leonard Cohen an...
9 Apr
New Voices The New Jewish Daddy 9 Apr
The article delves into the evolution of Jewish masculinity over the years, touching upon historical figures such as Leonard Cohen and exploring the contempo...
9 Apr
New Voices Gufim: overheard in the dressing room 28 Mar
The text is a brief mention of an article or piece titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" featured on the New Voices platform. The content or main po...
28 Mar
New Voices Gufim: overheard in the dressing room 28 Mar
The article titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" can be found on the New Voices website.
28 Mar
New Voices Our Adar Hearts 22 Mar
Gashmius Magazine recently engaged with the New Voices Fellows in a study of Hasidic texts, inspiring participants to see Torah as continually evolving. A ke...
22 Mar
New Voices Our Adar Hearts 22 Mar
Gashmius Magazine and the New Voices Fellows engaged in studying hasidic texts, exploring the idea that Torah is continuously given since Sinai. Emphasizing ...
22 Mar
New Voices Diet Culture Has Permeated the Holiest Spaces of Judaism 21 Mar
The author reflects on their journey with fasting in Judaism, initially finding it spiritually meaningful but later struggling with the influence of diet cul...
21 Mar
New Voices Diet Culture Has Permeated the Holiest Spaces of Judaism 21 Mar
The author reflects on their experience with fasting in Judaism, initially finding deep spiritual meaning in it but later grappling with its association with...
21 Mar
New Voices L’dor V’dor: The Resilience of Ethiopian Jewish Practice 21 Feb
The text explores the resilience of Ethiopian Jewish practice, highlighting the return to roots and demands of the younger generation, the mythologization of...
21 Feb
New Voices L’Dor V’Dor: The Resilience of Ethiopian Jewish Practice 21 Feb
The article discusses the resilience of Ethiopian Jewish practices, highlighting how the community maintains its identity and religious traditions despite ch...
21 Feb
New Voices Shabbat, Chronic Illness, & Radical Rest 15 Feb
In this essay, the author recounts their experience of finding solace and meaning in Shabbat after being diagnosed with a chronic illness. They discuss how s...
15 Feb
New Voices Shabbat, Chronic Illness, & Radical Rest 15 Feb
The essay explores the intersection of Shabbat observance, chronic illness, and the importance of radical rest. The author shares their personal journey of f...
15 Feb
New Voices On Covering One’s Eyes 7 Feb
The author reflects on their Jewish identity and experiences that have connected them to their Jewish community, such as blessing the Sabbath candles and att...
7 Feb
New Voices Saying Hamotzi Over Challah and Gumbo 30 Jan
In this personal reflection, the author discusses their struggle to reconcile their Jewish and Cajun identities. They explore the challenges of making tradit...
30 Jan
New Voices Hebrew School Dropout: One Quarter Capitalist (On My Mom’s Side) 17 Jan
This personal essay recounts the author's experience with the snack cart at Hebrew school and their attempt to sell their own snacks for profit. The author r...
17 Jan
New Voices The Ins and Outs of 2024 (by the Jewish Media Fellows) 17 Jan
The New Voices Jewish Media Fellows have created a humorous guide called "The Ins and Outs of 2024." This post playfully provides a list of things that are "...
17 Jan
New Voices When Kahane Came to Campus 12 Jan
Meir Kahane, an ultranationalist rabbi known for his controversial views, was assassinated in 1990. However, his ideas continued to resonate with Jewish stud...
12 Jan
New Voices A Yiddish Camp Saga 5 Jan
The article recounts the author's experience at Camp Kinder Ring, a Yiddish camp in upstate New York. The camp, hosted by The Workers Circle, brings together...
5 Jan
New Voices A “Die-In” at Bard College 29 Dec 2023
In response to the war in Israel and Gaza, the Bard College SJP (Student for Justice in Palestine) organized a die-in on campus. The die-in was a form of pro...
29 Dec 2023
New Voices Kislev Dreaming 21 Dec 2023
In Jewish tradition, there are five things in our world that are one-sixtieth of their most extreme forms, including fire, honey, Shabbat, sleep, and dreams....
21 Dec 2023
New Voices Home Will Not Wait For Us 19 Dec 2023
The author reflects on their experiences and emotions related to their Jewish identity and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They mention their brother vomit...
19 Dec 2023
New Voices Opinion: Demonizing Each Other Hurts Us All 7 Dec 2023
The author, a senior at Rutgers University, reflects on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on college campuses. While acknowledging the distress felt by Jewish...
7 Dec 2023
New Voices Past Informs Present as Brown University Arrests 20 Students 1 Dec 2023
On November 8th, 20 Jewish students were arrested during a peaceful sit-in at Brown University's administrative building, demanding that President Christina ...
1 Dec 2023
New Voices The Science of Religion: Observations from a Jewish Astrophysicist 28 Nov 2023
This article explores the connection between the study of astrophysics and Jewish spirituality. The author, a Jewish astrophysicist, reflects on the sense of...
28 Nov 2023
New Voices Poem in which I am not the sister that kills herself  22 Nov 2023
The poem reflects on themes of family, identity, and guilt in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The speaker contemplates their relationship wi...
22 Nov 2023
New Voices From Campus to Kibbutz: Vivian Silver’s legacy as a Jewish student leader 22 Nov 2023
Vivian Silver, a renowned peace activist, was killed in a Hamas attack in October 2021 at Kibbutz Beeri. Throughout her life, she dedicated herself to foster...
22 Nov 2023
New Voices Priestly Blessing (Birkat Kohanim): A Vector Collage 10 Nov 2023
The article discusses a vector collage artwork that synthesizes thoughts from three podcasts on Judaism Unbound. The collage explores themes of human relatio...
10 Nov 2023
New Voices Young Queer Jews are Adding Their Voice to the Siddur 14 Sep 2023
A recent article explores the experiences of young queer Jews in prayer spaces and their efforts to find inclusion. Many shared stories of feeling isolated o...
14 Sep 2023
New Voices “Israelism” Review: The Dangers of Pro-Israel Indoctrination 6 Sep 2023
The documentary "Israelism" explores the relationship between the American Jewish population and the state of Israel, challenging the pro-Israel upbringing t...
6 Sep 2023
New Voices Like a Jew Among Jews: A Jewish Media Fellowship Reflection 1 Sep 2023
In this reflection on Jewish identity, the author explores their complex Jewish background, which includes Jewish and non-Jewish ancestry, as well as their u...
1 Sep 2023
New Voices The Mizrahi Black Panthers Dreamed of a Different Future 20 Aug 2023
The Mizrahi Black Panther party, founded in 1971 by Moroccan Jewish youth leaders, fought for racial justice and human rights in Israel and Palestine. They a...
20 Aug 2023
New Voices Our Yesterdays And Our Tomorrows 8 Aug 2023
In June 2023, New Voices published a series of micro-stories about Queer Jewish Joy, emphasizing the importance of capturing moments that remind us of the be...
8 Aug 2023
New Voices The Moss Maidens, a play about teen girls seducing and killing Nazis, is making history 4 Aug 2023
"The Moss Maidens" is a play based on the true story of Dutch teenage girls in the 1940s who seduced and murdered Nazis as part of the underground resistance...
4 Aug 2023