Tag: Israeli Judicial System

Shany Granot-Lubaton and her husband Omer Lubaton-Granot moved to New York City to escape Israeli politics, but seeing her mother protest in Tel Aviv prompted them to start a protest movement in NYC.
Shany Granot-Lubaton and her husband Omer Lubaton-Granot came to NYC hoping to escape Israeli politics but instead found themselves leading a protest movement there.
Avi Mayer, a prominent pro-Israel activist and communications professional, has been appointed as the next editor-in-chief of the Jerusalem Post.
Martin Indyk, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel, attended a protest in Tel Aviv against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plans to weaken the country's judicial system.
Over 110,000 protestors gathered in Tel Aviv to oppose right-wing Israeli government reforms aimed at changing the judicial system to shift power from courts to the legislature.