Tag: Israeli Judiciary

Israeli prosecutors are urged to offer Benjamin Netanyahu a plea deal to resolve the corruption charges against him and prevent his far-right coalition partners from pushing reckless policies that endanger Israel's strategic interests.
Moment Magazine is celebrating its 50th anniversary with an inspiring gala program that includes conversations with various notable individuals.
A group of Israeli leftists in New York, known as the Anti-Occupation Bloc, have come together to protest the Israeli government's handling of the recent conflict with Hamas.
The Israeli government's escalating hostility towards non-Jewish immigrants, particularly Eritrean migrants, is evident in recent police violence and crackdowns.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's approach to public relations and marketing his policy decisions differs from traditional methods.
The Reasonableness Standard Law recently enacted in Israel limits the Israeli Supreme Court's ability to review the reasonableness of government decisions.
In Israel, settler violence in the West Bank sparks condemnation from top military officials and draws attention globally.
Massive protests have erupted in Israel, with hundreds of thousands of people opposing proposed legislative changes that would weaken the judicial system and give the government control over judicial appointments.
The author reflects on the current political situation in Israel, expressing concern over the formation of a coalition government led by a prime minister on trial for graft and abuse of public trust.
Israel is currently in a state of political crisis, with a broken political system and repeated elections causing chaos.
In this podcast episode, Knesset member Simcha Rothman discusses the ongoing debate about reforming Israel's judiciary, which is one of the major concerns facing the country's democracy.