Tag: Israeli Teens

The OU Israel established Makom Balev and the Oraita Program to provide programming for Israeli teens, particularly those in economically-disadvantaged areas, giving them leadership skills and guidance to succeed.
"Delegation" is a film that follows Israeli teenagers on a school trip to Holocaust sites before they join the IDF.
A $1.1 million gift has been donated by the Kohn family from Vancouver to establish the Toni Kohn House, a permanent youth center in Sderot, Israel.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three important topics: the decreasing popularity of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister among Israelis, the lack of trust Israeli teens have for those who are different from them, and the issue of misogyny towards Mizrahi women in positions of power.
Israeli high-school graduates can opt to defer their military service for a year through programs like Shin-Shin, where they engage in volunteer work.