Tag: Jewish Outreach

In this episode of the TORAH 101 podcast, the question of whether there is evidence for the divinity of the Torah is examined.
This podcast discusses the question of who wrote the Torah and the implications of the answer.
In this TORAH 101 podcast episode, the host explores the subject of Kabbalah, which is the hidden and mystical parts of the Torah.
Halacha refers to the practical application of Torah law.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Laura E. Adkins, opinion editor of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and a baalas teshuva, discusses how she stays grounded and maintains her identity while engaging with diverse opinions.
The Mishnah is a collection of 63 books that codified and canonized the laws of the Oral Torah around 200 CE.
The TORAH 101 podcast explores the development and organization of the Oral Torah from the time of Moses to the end of prophecy at the beginning of the Second Commonwealth.
The discussion explores the concept of Oral Torah, as deemed essential by Maimonides in his Thirteen Principles of Faith, alongside the Written Torah.
The TORCH organization is holding a fundraiser to support their various Jewish podcasts, including TORAH 101, which delves into the works of Nachmanides, focusing on his commentary on the Torah and discussing fundamental questions about its divine nature and authorship.
The Torah's divinity, central to Jewish beliefs, goes beyond authorship to encompass its profound significance.
Archie Gottesman, known for her iconic Manhattan Mini Storage billboards, has shifted her witty one-liners to promote Judaism through JewBelong, an initiative aiming to engage disconnected Jews with the richness of Jewish traditions and values.
The Seventh Principle of Faith focuses on Moses, revered as the greatest man and prophet in Judaism, surpassing even angels.
This text provides a comprehensive overview of the history of prophecy in Judaism, ranging from the times of Adam to the end of prophetic experiences at the onset of the Second Temple Era.
The discussion explores the apparent discrepancies between Torah teachings and scientific consensus, particularly regarding the age of the universe, the concept of evolution, and the creation of species.
This podcast explores the challenging question of why bad things happen to good people, known as theodicy, through three Torah perspectives derived from discussions between Moses and God, as well as references to ministering angels and Adam.
The discussion in the text focuses on reconciling the belief in God's omnipotence as the ultimate power with the concept of human free will.
This podcast delves into the philosophical question of why a perfect God, as outlined in the Thirteen Principles of Faith, would create the imperfect universe.
The Rambam's Thirteen Principles of Faith are a widely accepted articulation of Jewish beliefs, found in his commentary on Mishnah.
Scott Shay, a banker heavily involved in Jewish community work, noticed a lack of understanding about the concept of God among Jewish youth influenced by New Atheist writers like Dawkins and Harris.
Rabbi Yonah Schiller, the Executive Director of Tulane Hillel, has transformed Jewish outreach by implementing a unique model that prioritizes student leadership and innovation.
The article discusses the concept of kiruv (Jewish outreach) and the potential harm in portraying the secular world as devoid of goodness.