Tag: Jewish Outreach

This text discusses the concept of reincarnation in Jewish belief.
Jewish outreach, or kiruv, is still active and has had some successes, although it has changed from its heyday in the 1990s.
Jewish organizations are increasingly turning to social media as a tool for outreach and engagement.
In this podcast, the mechanics of the afterlife are explored, including the purging of the soul and what happens in purgatory.
Rabbi Beryl Gershenfeld, a leader in Jewish outreach, discusses what the Jewish world can learn from Jewish outreach and how to engage in meaningful growth.
The Torah mentions the concept of reward and punishment, but does not explicitly discuss the afterlife.
JewBelong is a nonprofit organization that initially focused on offering resources for holidays and Jewish rituals to engage less-engaged Jews, including secular Jews and converts.
In this podcast episode, the concept of the chosen people is explored, focusing specifically on the idea of the Jewish soul.
This podcast explores the questions of how the soul ended up in our bodies and what transpired before that.
This podcast discusses the nature and origin of the soul from a Jewish perspective.
The author announces the birth of their baby boy and expresses gratitude to God for their blessing.
In this article, three individuals discuss the topic of outreach and combating assimilation in the Jewish community.
In this article, three Jewish leaders discuss the importance of outreach and combating assimilation within the Jewish community.
This text discusses the concept of what happens after we die in the context of the idea of reward and punishment in the post-mortem life.
In this podcast episode, the topic of divine reward and punishment is explored.
In this podcast episode, the question of how God determines the circumstances that people are placed in is explored.
The podcast explores the question of why some people are rich while others are poor, and why there is inequality in the world.
The Tenth Principle of the Thirteen Principles of Faith asserts that God has complete knowledge of human actions and governs accordingly.
In this episode, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe discusses Principle #9 of the 13 Principles of faith, which states that the Torah is immutable and unchangeable.
In this podcast episode, the importance and benefits of Torah study are explored.
Chabad of Rural and Regional Australia (Chabad of RARA) has been working to connect Jews living in isolated areas in the Australian outback with their faith.
This podcast episode discusses the relationship between Torah study and the individual.
Torah study is a fundamental part of Jewish culture and identity.
Eric Adams, a leading candidate for mayor of New York City, has increased his outreach efforts to the Jewish community.
The TORCH fundraiser is taking place and donations made will be tripled.