Tag: John Mcwhorter

A new wave of public intellectuals, including John McWhorter, Thomas Chatterton Williams, Kmele Foster, and others, are challenging the dominant narrative of "wokeness" and racial essentialism in today's discourse on racism, advocating for a more nuanced and individual-focused approach.
In this episode of Unorthodox, linguist John McWhorter discusses his upcoming book on curse words and his love for Yiddish.
In a special crossover episode with Lexicon Valley, linguist John McWhorter joins the discussion on 'Unorthodox' to delve into the concept of Jewish English, the nuances of yeshivish, and the memorable dinner scene from 'Annie Hall.'
Renowned biblical scholar Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg discusses Moses' life, including his speech impediment, highlighting him as a complex literary figure.