Tag: Joint Distribution Committee

Ted Comet, a revered figure in the Jewish community, turns 100 and is celebrated for his significant contributions over 75 years to Jewish communal organizations and events.
Canadian writer Marina Sonkina has released a new book titled "Ukrainian Portraits," aiming to shine a light on the forgotten stories of Ukrainian refugees amid the ongoing conflict with Russia.
The article discusses the advantages that Jewish Ukrainians have over their non-Jewish neighbors when it comes to seeking refuge amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
Olga Gamzeynova, a 69-year-old Ukrainian refugee, shares her story as she crosses the border into Romania to escape the violence and destruction caused by the Russian invasion.
In the book "Even If the Ship Is Not Sinking" by Ori Yehudai, the author explores the topic of Jewish emigrants who left Israel after World War II and criticized the country upon their departure.
"Hitler's Jewish Refugees: Hope and Anxiety in Portugal" by Marion Kaplan explores the experiences of Jewish refugees in Portugal during World War II.