Tag: Jonathan Sarna

In this podcast episode, the host discusses the recent ruling of The Oversight Board, which includes Emi Palmor, on Facebook's ban of former President Trump.
Jonathan Sarna, a professor of American Jewish history, co-edited a book titled "Lincoln and the Jews: A History" with Benjamin Shapell, exploring the relationship between Abraham Lincoln and the Jewish community.
During High Holidays services, many synagogue-goers engage in sneak-reading, bringing a variety of books to dive into when the lengthy prayers become overwhelming or they seek additional spiritual connection.
An Israeli legal NGO, Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center, is urging New York City to remove statues honoring Peter Stuyvesant, citing his racist history targeting Jews.
Rabbi Jonathan Muskat engages in a thoughtful response to Professor Jonathan Sarna's discussion on the traditional prayer for the government, specifically focusing on the Ha-noten Teshuah prayer.
Jonathan Sarna, a professor of American Jewish history at Brandeis University, recently co-edited a book called "Lincoln and the Jews" with Benjamin Shapell, published by St Martin's Press.
In a literary review, Jacob Paul's novel "Sarah/Sara" follows the story of Sarah Frankel, an Orthodox woman who embarks on a kayaking journey in Alaska after a terrorist attack in Jerusalem.