Tag: Karl Marx

The article discusses the history and current state of the Forward building, a landmark building on the Lower East Side of New York City.
The article discusses the issue of left-wing antisemitism, focusing on the controversy surrounding a mural by graffiti artist Mear One in London in 2012.
In "Marx and the Jewish Fingerprint Question" by Shlomo Avineri, the discussion revolves around Karl Marx's Jewish origins and their influence on his work.
Shlomo Avineri delves into the Jewish background of Karl Marx, a prominent and revolutionary thinker often misunderstood or disregarded in terms of his Jewish heritage.
Mexican artist Pedro Reyes debuts a puppet show titled Manufacturing Mischief at MIT, featuring mini versions of Noam Chomsky, Karl Marx, Ayn Rand, and Elon Musk engaging in discussions about technology and ideology.
The article discusses the historical connection between Jewish ideals of peace and early 20th-century Jewish involvement in communism, particularly in the context of the Soviet Union.
Jonathan Sperber's biography of Karl Marx portrays him as a figure of the 19th century, highlighting his bourgeois origins, lifestyle, and approach to revolution.
Karl Marx's rare empathetic depiction of the Jews of Jerusalem during the Crimean War in 1854 depicts their misery amidst Muslim oppression and intolerance, standing out in contrast to his usual comments on Judaism.