Tag: Kyiv

Jewish studies scholars in Ukraine are showcasing resilience and dedication amidst the ongoing crises in their country, highlighting valuable lessons for the global Jewish community.
This article discusses the experiences of Jewish writers during wartime, focusing on two figures: Sholem Aleichem, a famous Yiddish writer from the late 19th and early 20th century, and Katja Petrowskaja, a contemporary writer.
Moshe Reuven Azman, the rabbi who heads Kyiv's Brodsky Synagogue, has emerged as an influential Jewish leader providing humanitarian relief in Ukraine following the Russian invasion.
Helen Chervitz, a Jewish woman who immigrated from Ukraine to Boston in the late 1980s, returned to Ukraine with her husband as American citizens 25 years later.
Margo Vdovichenko and Diana Buchman, Ukrainian refugees who fled the Russian invasion, discuss their experiences and new lives in Israel.
Matthew Continetti, now a permanent co-host, discusses President Biden's trip to Kyiv and Ron DeSantis's comments on it, drawing parallels between current American politics and the early 20th century.
This text discusses the fear that Vladimir Putin is trying to inspire and capitalize on.
The Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference was held in Kyiv, attracting Ukrainian leaders, international elites, and journalists.
This article discusses the connections between Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and a story from the author's childhood about his grandfather's ancestor, Reb Menachem Nochum Twersky, the Grand Rebbe of Chernobyl.
In this article, the author discusses the ongoing war in Ukraine and the effectiveness of Vladimir Putin's army.
The spelling of place names in Ukraine, such as Kyiv or Kiev, and the transliteration of names like Zelensky or Zelenskyy, have significant political implications.
This article discusses the character and resilience of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is facing threats to his life and is on the Kremlin's kill list.
The author recounts their experience in Kyiv leading up to Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
The author reminisces about their childhood summers in a bungalow colony in the Catskills, where their grandmother would make forshmak, a minced herring dish.
The author shares her journey to Ukraine to connect with her Jewish Ukrainian roots.