Tag: Leonard Nimoy

In this episode of Unorthodox, the focus is on Fathers Day and Shavuot, exploring themes of fatherhood, loss, and Jewish responsibility.
Adam Nimoy, the son of Leonard Nimoy, shares insights in his new book, "The Most Human," detailing his relationship with his father, known for his iconic role as Spock in Star Trek.
The concept of Pi, the ratio of a circle's diameter and circumference, has a secret Jewish history intertwined with mathematical and spiritual dimensions.
The author reflects on her childhood crushes on Jewish actors playing non-Jewish characters, such as Ed Ames as Mingo in Daniel Boone and Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock in Star Trek.
The text provides humorous last-minute Purim costume ideas for children, offering creative and easy suggestions such as dressing up as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Spock from Star Trek, the Shining Twins, an Oompa Loompa, the Ice Bucket Challenge, the infamous blue and black (or white and gold) dress, Grumpy Cat, Pharrell, Lady Gaga, a crazy cat lady, and more.
Leonard Nimoy, known for playing Mr. Spock in Star Trek, reflects on his Jewish upbringing and the impact of anti-Semitism he faced growing up in Boston.