Tag: Maggid Books

Shayna Goldberg's book "What Do You Really Want? Trust and Fear in Decision Making at Lifes Crossroads and in Everyday Living" analyzes the difficulties people face in making decisions today and provides practical guidance for making the best decisions based on trust rather than fear.
Dr. Yael Ziegler's book, "Lamentations: Faith in a Turbulent World," offers a unique and accessible exploration of the Book of Lamentations.
This article discusses Rabbi Michael Hattin's approach to studying the books of Joshua and Judges in the Tanakh.
This article reviews two volumes on the books of Joshua and Judges by Rabbi Michael Hattin, part of the series Studies in Tanakh by Maggid Books.
"Hilkhot Nashim" is a publication by the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) that aims to dispel misconceptions about women's obligations in Jewish ritual practice and encourages increased observance.