Tag: Marvel Comics

The Disney+ documentary about Stan Lee fails to address the Jewishness of the legendary comic book creator.
The Jewish Lives Podcast delves into the life of comic book icon Stan Lee, as explored by Liel Leibovitz, author of the biography "Stan Lee: A Life in Comics."
"Super Stan" by Liel Leibovitz explores the influential role of Stan Lee, a Jewish creator, in shaping the superhero comic book industry through characters like Spider-Man and the X-Men.
The writer reflects on how discovering the Jewish background of comic creators such as Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, and Stan Lee helped him embrace his heritage while reconnecting with his faith.
Avi Binyamin, the owner of the Kippa Man store in Jerusalem, settled out of court with Marvel Comics and Warner Brothers after being accused of selling unlicensed kippahs featuring Superman and Spider-Man images.