Tag: Meaning

Rabbi Michael Strassfeld, known for his work on the Jewish Catalog, reflects on how Jewish practice has evolved in the past 50 years.
Rabbi Beryl Gershenfeld, a leader in Jewish outreach, discusses what the Jewish world can learn from Jewish outreach and how to engage in meaningful growth.
Yuval Levin discusses the significance of the frequent mass murders in the United States, exploring whether they reflect a broader sickness in American society.
In this episode of For Heaven's Sake, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the relevance of Israel to North American Jews in light of increasing ambivalence.
In honor of Yom Ha-Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, this edition features stories about what the day signifies for us.
In this discussion, David explores the power of comedy and humor in revealing a mystical sense of unity that helps us find meaning and build communities even in ordinary experiences.
David and guest Chaim Saiman, a professor at Villanova Law School, delve into the enigmatic nature of the Talmud, likening it to a Jewish Constitution.
David engages in a conversation with Chaim Saiman, a professor at Villanova Law School, to explore the intriguing nature of the Talmud and its significance as a foundational text in Jewish law.
David introduces the Talmud as a valuable resource for finding meaning in a chaotic world.
In "The Sounds of Silence," John Gray, a retired philosophy professor, critiques atheist thinking for resembling monotheism in seeking an intelligible order in a potentially chaotic world.