Tag: New York Intellectuals

Nancy Sinkoff discusses her book "From Left to Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, The New York Intellectuals and the Politics of Jewish Life."
Nancy Sinkoff, an Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and History at Rutgers University, explores her book "From Left to Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, The New York Intellectuals and the Politics of Jewish Life" in which she delves into her life straddling Europe and America, and the ideological shifts from liberal socialism to Reagan-era conservatism.
"In Dreams Begin Responsibilities" is a significant literary work by Delmore Schwartz that captures the process of its creation and its impact on a new intellectual movement.
Daniel Bell, a prominent figure among the New York intellectuals, emerged from a Jewish immigrant neighborhood with leftist influences.
Lionel Trilling, a prominent Jewish intellectual, faced criticism for not depicting Jewish characters in his work, despite having Eastern European Jewish heritage.
The text discusses the author's relationship with Irving Howe and their collaboration on Yiddish literature projects.