Tag: Ou Kosher

Rabbi Reuven Nathanson, an OU mashgiach based in Los Angeles, has been supervising the production of kosher wine and other food products for over three decades.
Rabbi Nota Greenblatt, known for his extraordinary level of chesed and mastery of Torah knowledge, was a respected figure in the Jewish community.
Rabbi Chaim Goldzweig, a longtime RFR with OU Kosher, was known for his dedication to kashrut and his encyclopedic knowledge of kosher ingredients and factory production practices.
Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Belsky was known for his immense intellect, encompassing a deep understanding of Torah and the scientific and mathematical knowledge to apply halachah in practical situations.
This photo essay showcases a collection of ads from past and present Jewish publications, including the Orthodox Union (OU) National Convention program in 1927 and various issues of Jewish Life and Jewish Action magazines from the 1940s to the present day.
This article discusses the Orthodox Union's (OU) Kosher certification program and provides some facts and figures related to its operations.
The technology behind OU Kosher, the world's largest kashrut agency, plays a crucial role in ensuring the certification and accessibility of kosher-certified products.
The OU celebrated the opening of their new headquarters in Manhattan with a mezuzah ceremony and a Chanukat Habayit celebration.
OU Kosher, in collaboration with GE Appliances (GEA) and ZMAN Technologies, has introduced a device called the Shabbos Keeper for Ovens, which enables Shabbos and yom tov observance with certain GEA oven models.
Moses Feuerstein was the president of the Orthodox Union from 1954 to 1966, a time when Orthodox Jewry in America faced many challenges.
This article discusses how OU Kosher, the largest kosher certification agency in the world, had to adapt its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the continued availability of kosher food.
During the height of the pandemic, a distillery in Chicago began producing hand sanitizer for first responders who were having trouble accessing it.
When the Covid-19 pandemic began last year, the Orthodox Union (OU) faced a challenge in supervising a cheese plant in the Midwest.
Rabbi Reuven Nathanson, director of OU Kosher's West Coast Kashruth Division, experienced challenges during the Covid pandemic while visiting American Samoa to inspect a tuna cannery.
Rabbi Yisroel Hollander, a senior rabbinical representative of Europe for the OU Kosher organization, has a demanding job that requires him to travel extensively throughout Europe to supervise the certification of kosher companies.
Rabbi Joseph Karasick, former president of the Orthodox Union (OU), passed away at the age of ninety-eight.
Rav Hershel Schachter, a prominent posek in the Modern Orthodox community, reflects on how Covid-19 has impacted the halachic process.
Rabbi Hershel Schachter has been a leading authority consulted by Jewish communities worldwide during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rabbi Tzvi Ortner, known as a solution-finder at OU Kosher, leads the effort to make modern smart kitchens Shabbat and yomtov-friendly.