Tag: Pale Of Settlement

Actor David Duchovny explored his Jewish heritage on the show "Finding Your Roots."
In this personal account, the author recounts a trip to Ukraine in 1970 to explore his Jewish roots, during which he is detained by the KGB for visiting a city without permission.
The modern Yiddish theater had an accidental rise in the late 19th century, starting in Odessa.
"The Silence of Malka" is a graphic novel set in a Jewish settlement in Argentina at the end of the 19th century, featuring a golem created to help a struggling farmer and his family.
Sholem Yankev Abramovitsh, known as Mendele Mokher Seforim, is a key figure in modern Yiddish literature, often using his alter ego Mendele to critique Jewish society in the Pale of Settlement.
S. An-sky, the Belarus-born polymath also known as Shloyme Zanvl Rappoport, is not just known for his famous 1914 play "The Dybbuk", but also for his vast range of achievements in poetry, fiction, ethnography, and more.