Tag: Partisanship

In this podcast, Avital Levi, a postdoctoral fellow at Tel Aviv University, explores the subject of loyalty as a human sentiment and moral virtue.
In their book, "American Affective Polarization in Comparative Perspective," Noam Gidron, James Adams, and Will Horne examine how American political culture has shifted from civil disagreement to deep-seated rage.
In the book "American Affective Polarization in Comparative Perspective," authors Noam Gidron, James Adams, and Will Horne analyze the shift in American political culture from civil disagreements to intense emotional partisanship, which they argue is more dangerous than routine ideological differences.
Allison, Noah, and Don discuss the topics of prosecuting revelers at a settler wedding for hateful behavior, the effectiveness of seeking political common ground, and the state of patriarchy in Israel in 2016, highlighting research showing Israeli girls and women enjoy a relatively privileged status globally.