Tag: Political Satire

Jon Stewart is set to make a comeback to The Daily Show, hosting the show on Mondays.
The author argues that Mort Sahl, the late comedian known for his political commentary, should be the next host of The Daily Show.
This episode of the podcast "Unorthodox" features interviews with two guests.
In a podcast episode featuring Allison, Noah, and political scientist Dahlia Scheindlin from the Tel Aviv Review, three main topics were discussed: plans for an extensive train network connecting Israel with neighboring countries, an NGO's ranking of Members of Knesset based on their social consciousness, and the impact of political satire on Israeli politics during its current golden age.
From the 13th century onwards, a Jewish comedic tradition emerged of creating parodies of the Passover haggadah, intensifying in the 19th century with the rise of mock haggadot that satirized various aspects of Jewish life.