Tag: Public Life

Seth Kaplan, in his book "Fragile Neighborhoods," analyzes the current state of American neighborhoods, pointing out their fragility due to issues like loneliness and a struggling education system.
The Biden administration recently released the first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Anti-Semitism, which aims to address the threat of anti-Semitism in America.
This episode discusses the structure of Rosh HaShana and the concept of Divine Judgment during this holiday.
In "Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish radical", Prof. Shaul Magid argues that Rabbi Meir Kahane, known for his far-right views, was actually a quintessential American Jew despite his prominence in Israel.
The author reflects on their upbringing in a white-flight suburb of Memphis and how they used to view their Confederate heritage as something to be proud of, rather than as hateful.
The article explores the impact of anti-Semitism on public officials, particularly in the aftermath of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.